Czech Mountains » Beskydy Mountains » Cableways » Chair lift Ráztoka - Pustevny

Chair lift Ráztoka - Pustevny

Chair lift Ráztoka - Pustevny
Trojanovice 477, 744 01 Frenštát p.R.
+420-556 835 993, 739 392 969
Web address:

nadmorska_vyska altitude: 1018 m.

Chair lift situated 6 km from Frenštát pod Radhoštěm. It goes from Ráztoka (620 m n.m.) to Pustevny (1020 m n.m.).

What is location and accessibility of the funicular?

Chair lift Ráztoka - Pustevny is situated in the area of Radhošť´s mountanious country in altitude of 620 m až 1020 m above sea level. The chair lift is 6 km far from Frenštát pod Radhoštěm. Bus connection from Frenštát, dirrection Trojanovice, terminal Ráztoka (parking place for cars).

What is the funicular and services provided?

A comfortable ride to Pustevny (1018 m above sea level) with an interesting view of the landscape from a bird's eye view is offered by the chairlift, whose boarding station is located near the Ráztoka hotel in Trojanovice at an altitude of 620 m. The construction of the original cable car took place in an incredibly short time and under extremely unfavorable... more >>

What are the opening hours of the funicular?

The standard departures are are every half hour
(current operation please always check on the website

What are the other ski resorts and funiculars nearby?

Operator: Pustevny s.r.o.